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Introducing Azur Digital Dictionary

​Experienced Translator

Using a Smartphone
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Writing on Tablet

Interactive Dictionary

Truly Top-Notch

Azur Digital Dictionary will be a free and open source software. this application is aim to help junior highschooler translate words from Indonesian to English and vice versa. In the future we hoped to add a new feature that will allow user to also search the images of the words that they're translating.

Open Magazine

Our Bio

Behind the Business

If you are looking for a trustworthy dictionary, you’re in the right place. We've started developing this dictionary since 2023. I take great pride in providing outstanding service, especially in provide a tool for junior highschooler. Talk to us to find out more about what we provide.

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Azur Digital Dictionary

©2023 by Azur Digital Dictionary. Proudly created with

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